Frequently Asked Questions

Table of contents
  1. General Information
    1. Where can I take a mission trip with SEBTS? Is there anywhere out of bounds?
    2. Where has SEBTS taken short-term mission trips before?
    3. What will we do on a mission trip?
    4. Who will we work with while on location on a mission trip?
    5. Do we have to work with SBC Organizations?
    6. What is an appropriate length for a mission trip?
    7. How many students should I be taking on a mission trip?
    8. Does a mission trip participant have to be a SEBTS student?
    9. Can I bring my spouse? Children?
    10. Can I lead a mission trip with another professor?
    11. What strategies can we implement when going on a mission trip?
    12. What expectations does the CGCS have of faculty members?
    13. Do professors share rooms with students?
    14. What level of involvement do the students want on the trip?
    15. How do we deal with conflict and complaining on a trip?
    16. How do you vet students for the trip?
    17. What about injuries and medical assistance while we are in-country?
    18. How many students will there be per leader?
    19. Will I have access to an interpreter, or will I need to arrange this if people cannot speak English? Should we even go to a location like this?
  2. Preparation Questions
    1. How do I suggest a mission trip to the CGCS?
    2. What are the requirements to lead a Southeastern mission trip?
    3. When is the initial mission trip prospectus due?
    4. How do I access the initial mission trip prospectus?
    5. When is the detailed mission trip prospectus due?
    6. How do I access the detailed mission trip prospectus?
    7. Do we need to turn in a new trip prospectus every year if we want to make the same trip again?
    8. What classroom materials do I need to prepare for a mission trip?
    9. Is there any help in reserving airfare/hotels/etc.? Or will I need to do this on my own?
    10. How long before a mission trip do I need to propose said trip? Six months? One year? Two years?
    11. What are the requirements for visas?
    12. As I begin planning a trip, what kind of things do I need to research?
    13. Do I need to lead a devotional every morning for students? Or will students do this?
    14. What guidelines do I need to follow when creating the trip?
    15. What guidelines do I need to follow while on the trip?
    16. What expectations do we have for students?
  3. Money
    1. How much does it cost for me as a professor to go on a trip? Do I have to pay my own way?
    2. What is an appropriate amount of money per student?
    3. What kind of receipts should we be keeping?
    4. What expenses do we charge to a ministry/school card, and what expenses do we charge to a personal card?
    5. Can we give people money while in-country?

General Information

Where can I take a mission trip with SEBTS? Is there anywhere out of bounds?

  • You can go anywhere in the world. The safety of our students is of utmost importance, so consider this as you choose where to go. You should also look to partner with workers on the ground where you are going. The first choice would be to partner with Company personnel. Places that are out of bounds might include war zones, places deemed unsafe by the Company or other agencies, or secure locations that would put teams you visit at risk. We will not attempt such locations.

Where has SEBTS taken short-term mission trips before?

  • We have traveled to many countries in Africa, Europe, the Middle East, South Asia, Southeast Asia, and South America. We have also gone on trips to many locations in North America, such as Utah, Alaska, Florida, Houston, NYC, Toronto, Mexico, and Clarkston.

What will we do on a mission trip?

  • The primary goal of a mission trip is to partner with workers on the field to do evangelism and outreach to a specific area. We want to expose our students to cross-cultural communication and evangelism while on these trips. We want to see the Gospel spread to the ends of the earth! This task is our primary call and goal when taking a mission trip, and it can be done in many ways: door-knocking, VBS, sports camps, open-air preaching, etc.

Who will we work with while on location on a mission trip?

  • We highly advise you to work with denominational partners who reside in your destination. These two organizations are our partners in the field who know the context and can best guide you to applicable ministry strategies. In doing so, you will also be aiding those workers on the field, potentially giving them needed aid and uplifting encouragement.

Do we have to work with SBC Organizations?

  • You are not required to work with SBC contacts, but it is preferred. If you are not going to be doing so, you must give a defense for why you are not working with these organizations. The defense must be given to the associate director or director of the CGCS and approved by them.

What is an appropriate length for a mission trip?

  • Depending on the location and time of the trip, it could be 7-14 days. Spring Break and Fall Break trips are generally 7 days (the allotted time for these school breaks). Summer and Winter Break trips can be longer, depending on location and travel time. Ideally, a trip will have at least 5 full days of in-country “work.” You can make the trip longer if you desire, but the minimum expectation is 5 days in the country and on location in North America.

How many students should I be taking on a mission trip?

  • You will take anywhere from 8 to 12 students on a mission trip. This size team is ideal for developing relationships with your students and not feeling overwhelmed by too many. If you feel you can take more or have a second faculty going with you, please communicate this with us beforehand.

Does a mission trip participant have to be a SEBTS student?

  • To go on a mission trip with SEBTS, the participant must be a SEBTS student. Sometimes, students ask if they can bring their spouses who are not SEBTS students. Most of the time, the answer to this question is no.

Can I bring my spouse? Children?

  • It depends on what housing you can find for the team. We do not want spouses or children taking up spots that would otherwise go to students. We also do not want family to take away from your ability to focus on students and invest in them. However, we also recognize that family comes first, and investing in and discipling them is of utmost importance. With all this said, feel free to reach out to the director of the CGCS to discuss this in depth.

Can I lead a mission trip with another professor?

  • The short answer is yes. Contact the director of the CGCS to discuss this.

What strategies can we implement when going on a mission trip?

  • Our core strategy when going on a mission trip is to partner with local believers or local missionaries working in the target area. We will partner with them, coming alongside their strategies and rhythms to get the Gospel to the nations. The Company utilizes a strategic method called the Core Missionary Task (entry, evangelism, discipleship, healthy church formation, leadership training, and partnership and exit). Partnering with Company teams in one of these categories is a wonderful way to implement strategy. Other strategies include aiding in-country churches with VBS, caring for in-country missionaries, diaspora work, replanting/revitalization work, and open-air preaching. The goal of our strategy should always be the fulfillment of the Great Commission. So, whatever strategy you choose to implement, it should have the Great Commission as its thrust.

What expectations does the CGCS have of faculty members?

  • See professor expectation list for professors by clicking here. There are expectations before the trip, during the trip, and after the trip. Please read these carefully.

Do professors share rooms with students?

  • Professors should not share a room with students. Doing so can create questions that neither you nor the school would want. Avoid this at all costs.

What level of involvement do the students want on the trip?

  • Many students go on mission trips because it is a class requirement for their degree. Students at SEBTS want to be involved in ministry, but they may not know how. Many students tend to reflect that mission trips are their first engagement with cross-cultural ministry and evangelism. As the leader, you may need to care well for students who go for the first time.

How do we deal with conflict and complaining on a trip?

  • Conflict is inevitable, especially when formulating a team of students who may be experiencing a new culture for the first time and dealing with conflict changes on a case-by-case basis. Before a conflict arises, you should set an example as a leader who serves and does not complain. Meet with students who are causing issues one-on-one, inquiring about their concerns and negativity. Try to meet their needs while reminding them of the Gospel and the work they are there to do. You can also encourage your students, who are leaders, to take other students under their wing to help them grow in this area.

How do you vet students for the trip?

  • Students who are interested in going submit an application on our website. Students who complete our application first are given spots. Students must be in good standing both academically and financially before being approved for the roster. Students must also be at least 18 years old to apply for a mission trip.

What about injuries and medical assistance while we are in-country?

  • Before going to your destination, it is up to you to find medical assistance and care. You should know ahead of time where students who are injured can go and what the best method of treatment is. Local workers may know where injured students may go. Asking those questions to people in-country is a great idea. Plan and ensure all students understand the health risks and bring the medicines needed. The CGCS purchases volunteer travel insurance for every student and leader that covers the trip’s duration.

How many students will there be per leader?

  • The number is up to you as a professor. Ideally, 8 to 12 students are appropriate. It also depends on how many students the ground missionaries can handle in their location.

Will I have access to an interpreter, or will I need to arrange this if people cannot speak English? Should we even go to a location like this?

  • Arranging for an interpreter will be up to the professor. The CGCS will not arrange this for you. Going to a location that needs an interpreter is a possibility. The need for an interpreter will depend on what strategies you are implementing while on the trip. You might want to rethink your strategy if students will be doing door-to-door or street evangelism where English is unknown.

Preparation Questions

How do I suggest a mission trip to the CGCS?

  • To suggest a trip to the CGCS, you must submit a trip prospectus form. You may also reach out to our director, Keelan Cook, or our associate director, Walter Bowen. You can find the initial trip prospectus form by clicking here.

What are the requirements to lead a Southeastern mission trip?

  • To lead a trip, you must be a faculty member. An adjunct faculty member can lead a trip, but a staff member cannot. If a staff member is also a faculty member, they can lead a trip.

When is the initial mission trip prospectus due?

  • The initial mission trip prospectus is due one year before the trip’s projected departure date.

How do I access the initial mission trip prospectus?

When is the detailed mission trip prospectus due?

  • The detailed mission trip prospectus is due four months before the trip’s projected departure date.

How do I access the detailed mission trip prospectus?

  • Again, you can find the detailed trip prospectus form by clicking here.

Do we need to turn in a new trip prospectus every year if we want to make the same trip again?

  • Yes, an initial trip prospectus will be due every year because cost estimates fluctuate yearly. This prospectus will help us get a better idea as we estimate the total budget for mission trips. You will also need to submit the detailed trip prospectus with itemized costs four months prior to the leave date.

What classroom materials do I need to prepare for a mission trip?

  • Professors are not necessarily responsible for daily lectures on missions and evangelism. However, you are encouraged to provide teaching during the course as it relates to missions, evangelism, the particular context of the trip, contextualization, etc.
  • You also need to prepare a class syllabus, including required reading and assignments.
  • Here is an example PDF syllabus. If you want a Word Document version, click here.

Is there any help in reserving airfare/hotels/etc.? Or will I need to do this on my own?

  • The CGCS will book airfare and travel insurance for you. You will be responsible for arranging local transportation, housing, and schedules while on the ground. The CGCS will provide payment for the logistics that you find and secure.

How long before a mission trip do I need to propose said trip? Six months? One year? Two years?

  • As mentioned above, you must submit a mission trip on the prospectus one year before the trip’s proposed departure. You may not know all the information about your logistics this early, but you will need to get the initial prospectus in so that it is on record for planning.
  • The detailed prospectus, including updated costs, is due four months prior to the trip.

What are the requirements for visas?

  • Some countries require visas before entering a country, while others allow you to get visas at the gate. You need to have researched this beforehand and know what it takes to enter the country you will visit.

As I begin planning a trip, what kind of things do I need to research?

  • You need to research local partnerships and culture. To adequately do cross-cultural missions, you must know the area where you are ministering and the culture in which you will be engaging.
    • You also need to research airfare, housing, food costs, local transportation, immunization needs, accessible healthcare in case of injury, and safety advisories.
  • The associated costs will need to be submitted on the trip prospectus before a trip can be approved.

Do I need to lead a devotional every morning for students? Or will students do this?

  • The students need to have some sort of personal time with the Lord. You can make this personal time a requirement and put it into your trip schedule. You can also choose to have group devotionals in the morning after this time if you feel like you can fit that into your schedule. You can lead a devotional or have a student lead the short devotional; it is up to you. We encourage group prayer time before going out for the day, seeking the Lord’s guidance and aid in your endeavors.

What guidelines do I need to follow when creating the trip?

  • The trip creation guidelines are in the FAQ section and the Trip Expectations. Also, please follow any SEBTS guidelines for course requirements.

What guidelines do I need to follow while on the trip?

  • During the trip, you will represent yourselves, the Lord, and SEBTS. While on the field, you must follow covenantal guidelines in the BFM 2000, the Student Handbook, and any other documents you are expected to uphold while serving as a professor. Just because you are out of the country does not mean your expectations change. They are the same as when you are on campus. An additional expectation on a mission trip is that you invest in the students on the trip, desiring to see them stretched in new ways and encouraging them to take steps of faith.

What expectations do we have for students?

  • We expect students to be heavy participants on the trip. They should not be lackadaisical or apathetic. They are to be involved every step of the way. Students must also complete all course-related materials, attend a pre-trip briefing, and write a donor thank you letter. You can find other expectations by clicking here.


How much does it cost for me as a professor to go on a trip? Do I have to pay my own way?

  • A mission trip is free for you as a professor. The CGCS will cover your costs for the mission trip. We will not cover any spouses or children that might go on the trip.

What is an appropriate amount of money per student?

  • An appropriate total for a North American trip is under $2000.
  • An appropriate total for an international trip is under $4000.

What kind of receipts should we be keeping?

  • You should keep every receipt available unless otherwise notified by Kelly Garner.

What expenses do we charge to a ministry/school card, and what expenses do we charge to a personal card?

  • The guidelines depend on the trip location and the amount of cash you have been given for travel. You will discuss this with Kelly Garner and the director of the CGCS before leaving.

Can we give people money while in-country?

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