Frequently Asked Questions

Table of contents
  1. General Questions
    1. What kinds of practicums are there at SEBTS?
    2. What is a graduate student missions practicum?
    3. What is an undergraduate student missions practicum (Global Studies)?
    4. How do I enroll in a missions practicum?
    5. Do I have to go on an international trip to fulfill my missions practicum requirement?
    6. How do I fulfill a North American Practicum Requirement?
    7. How do I fulfill an International Missions Practicum Requirement?
    8. How do I fulfill the MDIV/MA ‘Missions’ Practicum Requirement?
    9. How do I fulfill the Mentored Internship Practicum Requirement?

General Questions

What kinds of practicums are there at SEBTS?

  1. Graduate Student Practicum
    • MDiv: 3 Hours
    • MA: 3 Hours
  2. Global Studies Missions Practicum
    • BA: 9 Credit Hours
    • BS: 6 Credit Hours

What is a graduate student missions practicum?

  • When looking at your degree requirements, you may have noticed a section telling you to choose a practicum option. A missions practicum is a class that blends hands-on learning with academic instruction. These come in four forms: North American Practicum, International Practicum, Missions Practicum, and Mentored Internship. See below to figure out how to fulfill these requirements.

What is an undergraduate student missions practicum (Global Studies)?

  • When looking at your degree requirements, you may have noticed a section telling you to choose practicum options. A missions practicum is a class or trip that blends hands-on learning with academic instruction. These come in three forms: 3 Credit hours/30 Day trips, 6 Credit Hours/60 Day Trips, or 9 Credit Hours/90 day trips. Click here for suggested opportunities that could fill these hours. As mentioned above, the BA requires 9 hours, while the BS only requires 6. For the BA, all credit hours must be done cross-culturally.

How do I enroll in a missions practicum?

  • If you go on a mission trip with SEBTS, enrollment is completed for you by the CGCS. This will add you to the CampusNet page and make sure you receive credit for the class with Registrar. If you choose to do the missions practicum with your church option, you will contact the Field Credit Office at

Do I have to go on an international trip to fulfill my missions practicum requirement?

  • If you are in an internationally focused degree, the answer is yes. If you are in a less specific degree like Missiology, then you can go on an international or North American trip to fulfill your requirements. If you are in a North American-focused degree, you are required to go on a North American trip.

How do I fulfill a North American Practicum Requirement?

  • The North American Practicum requirement is fulfilled by going on a mission trip to a location in North America with SEBTS.

How do I fulfill an International Missions Practicum Requirement?

  • The International Practicum requirement is fulfilled by going on a mission trip to a location internationally with SEBTS.

How do I fulfill the MDIV/MA ‘Missions’ Practicum Requirement?

  • The missions practicum is an option of going on a trip with denominational partners or your church. This trip has to be greater than 30 days to count as 3 hours. Click Here for a document that gives more information on utilizing a mission trip outside of Southeastern. Before using this trip, you must request permission from the Field Credit Office at They have the right to tell you yes or no. Make sure to check with them before counting on that trip.

How do I fulfill the Mentored Internship Practicum Requirement?

  • The mentored internship is an internship done under someone currently doing ministry in a missions field that gives you hands-on experience. Before choosing a mentor, you must request permission from the Equip Office. They have the right to tell you yes or no. Make sure to check with them before you start! For more information on the mentored internship, and the application form, click here.

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