Frequently Asked Questions

Table of contents
  1. General Questions
    1. What is a missions practicum?
    2. How do I enroll in a missions practicum?
    3. Do I have to go on an international trip to fulfill my missions practicum requirement?
    4. Do I have to be an on-campus student to go on mission trips?
    5. If I am a dual-enrollment student, can I go on mission trips?
    6. If I take more than one trip, will the class still count for credit?
    7. If I take a mission trip, do I have to take the corresponding class?
    8. Is there a way to get credit for a mission trip that I went on with my church?
    9. How long does a mission trip with SEBTS typically last?
    10. Where can I go on a mission trip?
    11. Where has SEBTS gone on trips before?
    12. What will I do on a mission trip?
    13. Who will we be working with on a mission trip?
    14. How many other students will be on the trip with me?
    15. Can I bring my spouse? Children?
    16. What strategies will be implemented on a mission trip?
    17. Do students share rooms with other students or professors?
    18. What is the process of applying for a mission trip?
    19. Do mission trips fill up?
    20. What if I have medicines I need to bring?
    21. Will there be medical assistance while we are in-country?
    22. Will I need to learn a new language to go on a mission trip?
    23. What expectations do the CGCS and SEBTS have of me while on the trip?
    24. Am I able to take photos and videos while on the mission trip?
    25. Why should I go on a mission trip?
    26. Why is there a practicum requirement in my degree?
    27. Can I go with my friends?
    28. Does a participant have to be a SEBTS student to go?
  2. Financial Questions
    1. Do I have to pay for both the mission trip cost and class tuition?
    2. Are there scholarships for mission trips?
    3. What is the Kingdom Diversity Missions Initiative (KDMI)?
    4. Who is eligible for the Kingdom Diversity Missions Initiative (KDMI)?
    5. How do I or donors make payments for mission trips?
    6. What does the cost of the trip cover?
    7. What if I have to back out of a trip? Will the money I have paid and raised be refunded to me?
    8. What if I raise over what I need?
    9. How much does a mission trip normally cost?
    10. How much money should I bring with me on the trip?
    11. Do I need to get a debit/credit card that works overseas?

General Questions

What is a missions practicum?

  • When reviewing your degree requirements, you may have noticed a section telling you to choose a practicum option. A missions practicum is a class that blends hands-on learning with academic instruction. These come in three forms: North American Practicum MIS 3991/6991, International Practicum, MIS 3990/6990, and Missions Practicum. The North American Practicum requires students to go on a mission trip to a location in North America with SEBTS. The International Practicum requires students to go on a mission trip to an international location with SEBTS. The missions practicum is an option to go on a trip with denominational organizations or your church. See below for more details about this option.

How do I enroll in a missions practicum?

  • You will choose an offered mission trip from the CGCS website. Once you make your choice, you will apply online on the website and pay the required deposit for the trip. The CGCS will confirm you are in good standing financially and academically with SEBTS and then will register you for the course/trip. You cannot register through self-service as the mission trip courses are not available for self-service. Once registered, you will be added to your CampusNet page and receive credit for the class from the Registrar. If you choose to do the missions practicum with a denominational organization or your church option, you can contact the Field Credit Office by clicking here.

Do I have to go on an international trip to fulfill my missions practicum requirement?

  • Your degree plan will specify your options. You will either be required to take one of each (International and North American), or you will have to choose one or the other.

Do I have to be an on-campus student to go on mission trips?

  • No, anyone enrolled in any program at Southeastern is eligible for consideration on a mission trip hosted by the CGCS.

If I am a dual-enrollment student, can I go on mission trips?

  • Yes, but you must be at least 18 years old before applying for the trip.

If I take more than one trip, will the class still count for credit?

  • Yes, the credit for a second or third trip will count as an elective.

If I take a mission trip, do I have to take the corresponding class?

  • Yes, there is no way around this requirement. Even if you do not need the credit, and take the trip as an elective, you must take the class.

Is there a way to get credit for a mission trip that I went on with my church?

  • Yes, for more information on requirements to earn credit for a mission trip completed outside of Southeastern, please click here.

How long does a mission trip with SEBTS typically last?

  • North American trips typically last around 7 days, while international trips typically last between 10 to 14 days (about 2 weeks). We require 5 days on the ground of ministry activity, thus needing a longer time to go internationally. SEBTS trips are typically during school breaks – Winter Break, Spring Break, Summer Break, and Fall Break. International trips are almost exclusively Winter and Summer Breaks.

Where can I go on a mission trip?

  • You can go anywhere SEBTS is going! We offer a wide range of trips every year! These are open to all students, and tuition is free. If a mission trip practicum is not a requirement for your degree, you can take it as an elective. Practicums and electives for mission trips are 3 hours credit. You must, however, take the class. You cannot take a mission trip without taking the class.

Where has SEBTS gone on trips before?

  • We have gone to many countries in Africa, Europe, the Middle East, South Asia, Southeast Asia, and South America. We have also gone on trips to many locations in North America, such as Utah, Alaska, Florida, Houston, NYC, Toronto, Mexico, and Clarkston.

What will I do on a mission trip?

  • The primary goal of a mission trip is to partner with workers on the field to do evangelism and outreach to a certain area. We want to expose you to cross-cultural communication and evangelism while on these trips. We want to see the Gospel spread to the ends of the earth! This is our primary call and goal when going on a mission trip. This can be done in many ways: door-knocking, VBS, sports camps, open-air preaching, etc.

Who will we be working with on a mission trip?

  • You may be working with denominational partners and their personnel who are on the ground in your intended location. The personnel you will be working with are likely connected to SEBTS through the professor leading your trip or the CGCS. At the same time, you might also partner with local believers in the area to see the Gospel go forth.

How many other students will be on the trip with me?

  • Typically, trips are planned for 8-12 students. This number can vary depending on availability and location. Generally, North American trips can accommodate more students, while international trips have a narrower window. The size of the trip depends on the location and limits based on the country. Some locations can only take smaller teams.

Can I bring my spouse? Children?

  • If your spouse is also a SEBTS student, they can apply to go on the same trip with you. If your spouse is not a SEBTS student, they are not allowed to go on the trip with you. The same goes for children. Bringing family on a mission trip is great, but it could potentially take away from your learning while on the trip. We desire to see you grow in that you might one day be able to lead your family on a mission trip together!

What strategies will be implemented on a mission trip?

  • Our core strategy when going on a mission trip is to partner with local believers or local missionaries who work in the target area. We will partner with them, coming alongside their strategies and rhythms to get the Gospel to the nations. The Company utilizes a strategic method called the Core Missionary Task (Entry, evangelism, discipleship, healthy church formation, leadership training, and partnership and exit). Partnering with Company teams in one of these categories is a fantastic way to implement strategy. Other strategies include aiding in-country churches with VBS, caring for in-country missionaries, diaspora work, replanting/revitalization work, and open-air preaching. The goal of our strategy should always be the fulfillment of the Great Commission.

Do students share rooms with other students or professors?

  • Depending on the housing arrangement, students will share rooms with other students. We try to avoid students rooming with professors.

What is the process of applying for a mission trip?

  • To apply for a mission trip, you must go to our website. Here, you will find a list of our mission trips and information about when mission trip applications will be open. You will first fill out the mission trip application and then turn in your deposit. Your mission trip application will not be considered complete until you have submitted the application AND turned in your deposit.

Do mission trips fill up?

  • Some mission trips are more popular than others. We encourage immediately applying when trips open to ensure your slot on the trip.

What if I have medicines I need to bring?

  • Medicine is common to bring with you on a trip. Each country and airline is different in its policy about medicine. Check with the CDC here to find out more.

Will there be medical assistance while we are in-country?

  • Depending on your destination, medical assistance can be sparse. Professors are advised to plan emergency medical options while in-country. If you are partnering with a team of local workers, they will also know the best way to get medical assistance while in-country. Medical access is different worldwide, so ask your professor about your destination’s health care!

Will I need to learn a new language to go on a mission trip?

  • You will not need to learn a new language to go on a mission trip. We advise you to read a little about the culture you will be interacting with on the mission trip. Your professor should help brief you about common customs and culture before you go on the trip.

What expectations do the CGCS and SEBTS have of me while on the trip?

  • We expect students to be heavy participants on the trip. You should not be lackadaisical or apathetic. You are to be involved every step of the way. Students must also complete all course-related materials, attend a pre-trip briefing, and write a donor thank you letter. Other expectations are in the expectations section below.

Am I able to take photos and videos while on the mission trip?

  • The short answer is YES! The CGCS would love for you to take photos and videos while on your trip and send them to the CGCS Communication Specialist. The CGCS may post some of your photos and videos, along with prayer requests, while you are on the trip. One thing to keep in mind is that you need to follow the guidelines for photography set forth by your professor and the team you are joining. You could be going to a secure location or a location restricting photography. Know the area you are going to before bombarding the location with photographs.

Why should I go on a mission trip?

  • As believers, we are called to make disciples of all nations. Billions of people around the globe have never had an opportunity to hear the Gospel proclaimed. By going on a mission trip, you will be joining in the proclamation of the Gospel to the nations. Here at Southeastern, we desire for all students to GO, telling all they encounter about the wonderful news of Jesus. Mission trips are a pointed way to be involved with this around the globe! Mission trips are also an opportunity for you to get practice with cross-cultural evangelism. Today, the world is rapidly shifting, making cross-cultural experiences a part of our everyday life. An experience like this may help open your eyes to the needs of those around you!

Why is there a practicum requirement in my degree?

  • As mentioned above, Southeastern desires for all students to be a part of fulfilling the Great Commission and seeing the nations reached with the Gospel. Southeastern also values ministry preparation and practical application in your degree. A practicum blends academic learning with practical application, allowing you to experience ministry first-hand while still in your degree. This experience is a valuable part of your program!

Can I go with my friends?

  • YES! If they are SEBTS students. We encourage you to grab a group of your friends and jump on a mission trip together! This is a fantastic way to build community and encourage others to take the Gospel to the nations!

Does a participant have to be a SEBTS student to go?

  • To go on a SEBTS mission trip, a participant has to be a SEBTS student. There is no way around this requirement.

Financial Questions

Do I have to pay for both the mission trip cost and class tuition?

  • No! You are required to pay the cost of the trip. Tuition for all mission trips run through the CGCS is waived.

Are there scholarships for mission trips?

  • Yes and no. All mission trips are scholar-shipped in that we subsidize a large chunk of the cost for each student on every trip. There is additional funding available for minority students who apply and are accepted into the Kingdom Diversity Missions Initiative program.

What is the Kingdom Diversity Missions Initiative (KDMI)?

  • The Kingdom Diversity Missions Initiative is a program providing additional funding for minority students who are going on their first mission trip. The Initiative has an application process for students to follow. For more information on this process, contact the CGCS here.

Who is eligible for the Kingdom Diversity Missions Initiative (KDMI)?

  • A limited number of KDMI awards are made available each academic year under the following parameters:
    • Student must be from an underrepresented culture or a woman in a doctoral program.
      • Students of African descent
      • Students of Asian descent
      • Students of Hispanic/Latin descent
      • Students of Native American descent
      • Students of Middle Eastern descent
      • All women studying at the doctoral level
      • International Students
      • First generation immigrants
  • Scholarships are open to prospective and current students.
  • Students must show a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.5 in all previous undergraduate and graduate coursework. However, if your cumulative GPA is between 2.5 and 2.75, include an explanation of your GPA at the end of your personal statement.

How do I or donors make payments for mission trips?

  • Payments for mission trips can be made in multiple ways. Checks can be written out to SEBTS and brought by the CGCS, or you can go online to pay by clicking here.

What does the cost of the trip cover?

  • The cost of the trip covers travel, housing, and food.

What if I have to back out of a trip? Will the money I have paid and raised be refunded to me?

  • Students are responsible for all money paid on their behalf for mission trips. No donated funds can be refunded to students under any circumstance. Students may only be refunded the money they have paid themselves with approval from the Director of the CGCS.

What if I raise over what I need?

  • If a student raises more support than is due for their trip, the over-raised amount is dispersed to students needing trip funding.

How much does a mission trip normally cost?

  • The cost of a mission trip will differ if it is a North American or international trip. North American trips typically range from $500 to $800. International trips typically range from $2000 to $2500. The cost of the trip will depend on the destination, method of travel, airline fare, and length of trip. All prices are subject to change and are evaluated each year based on the current economic climate.

How much money should I bring with me on the trip?

  • You should not have to bring a lot of money with you on the trip since the travel, housing, and food costs are covered. If you want to buy souvenirs, you will have to provide your funding. Some countries accept the American dollar, while many countries are converting to cashless payment methods. Bringing a credit/debit card with you is sufficient for most cases.

Do I need to get a debit/credit card that works overseas?

  • Many debit/credit cards have ATM/Overseas fees that can cost you a lot of money. It is not necessary to have a travel credit or debit card that works overseas since you will not be paying for the trip out of your pocket, but it could be nice to investigate a card with no ATM fees for later travel.

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